Member Login

Members Only

AASBCR® members can get personal help on benefits questions, submit a grant application, or view AASBCR® administrative information. Simply login, or Join, and then the following will be available to you:

How to Apply for AASBCR® Benefits Q/A with 24-hour turnaround

How to Apply for an AASBCR® Grant

AASBCR® Administration

If you are unable to login because you have forgotten your password, please follow these instructions to create a new password:

  1. Click on FORGOT PASSWORD (do not enter your email address)
  2. The next screen will ask you to enter your email address
  3. A link will then be sent to your email address prompting you to set a new password.  Click on link.
  4. Choose your password.
  5. Go back to member's page and enter your email address and your new password.
  6. Click on LOGIN.

AASBCR® - AT&T Ameritech/SBC Retirees
Follow Us:

AASBCR® - Membership
P.O. Box 110355 Cleveland, OH 44111-0355
(312) 962-2770

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